19 Things You'll Only Understand If You're A Woman Who Hates Shaving

    Shit, I haven't shaved my legs. I guess no shorts for me today.

    1. Shaving is the worst chore ever. Legs, armpits, bikini line – it's a task you regularly try to avoid doing.

    2. It's not just the fact shaving takes a long time (and it takes a really fucking long time), it's that razors are downright evil.

    the only reason why i hate shaving

    3. No matter how careful you are, you always manage to cut yourself.

    number one reason I hate shaving

    4. Or miss a spot.

    5. And razor bumps are the absolute worst, especially when shaving ~down there~.

    4 the judgmental guys that have never seen a vagina before

    Is a sore and itchy crotch really worth getting rid of the tuft? IS IT?!

    6. The longer your limbs, the more tiresome shaving is.

    7. And if you're particularly hairy, it can literally take you an entire day to become hair free.

    8. You delight in the coming of winter because it means you can look forward to a fabulously fuzzy body.

    😂😁I hate shaving my legs. Time to stay warm under my knee highs, thigh highs and tights. … http://t.co/7gspzei2Xe

    9. And you feel a sad sense of loss whenever you have to get rid of the body hair that keeps you warm at night.

    10. Especially because it's pretty fucking cold without it.

    11. Your hatred of shaving is just above your hatred of cleaning the plughole AFTER you shave.

    12. You've avoided wearing certain outfits simply because they require hair removal.

    13. Or you've taken the easy route and only shaved the skin that's visible.

    Oh, I'm wearing roll-up jeans, I think I'll just shave around my ankle then.

    14. You hate shaving so much that when you actually make the effort to do so, you want as many people to appreciate it as possible.

    Yess. I hate shaving my legs. But i love them being shaved. So smooth.. Mmm.

    15. And despite your hatred, you can't help but love how smooth you feel afterwards.


    16. Until the hair grows back a mere five hours later.

    17. And you remember how terrible shaving is.

    18. In fact, you spend a considerable amount of time wondering why you even shave at all when it so clearly should be banned.

    @dolantwinsbish made this just for you ☺️💗 ( & me bc I hate shaving my legs bc it's so much work yet I still do it )

    19. And when you do get to wondering, you always know exactly who's to blame.