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Signs You're More In Love With Your Phone Than Your Girlfriend / Boyfriend

It’s that time of year when everyone is abuzz with flowers, candy and prepping for their best Lloyd Dobbler/Say Anything-like grandiose gestures of love. Yup, it’s Valentine’s Day (or the day that Hallmark single-handedly shames those who are unattached). Sure, we love our significant others BUT do we love our phone more? Track your responses to the following:

Y/N: Your phone MUST be on the table even while dining alone with your loved one.

Y/N: When talking with your boyfriend/girlfriend, you frequently zone out because you are paying more attention to your phone.

Y/N: You’re more worried about your phone losing battery power than 98% of other things (i.e., eating, sleeping, walking, etc.)

Y/N: You check your phone during sex for the latest Instagram shots, trending hashtags and Buzzfeed quizzes.

Y/N: You would rather take a picture of your meal than your “loved one.”