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    Screw Cats - Give Bunnies A Shot!

    What’s up with all the cats on the internet? They are everywhere! It's time for change!

    Why does the world love cats so much?

    What's not to love? They are always amazing and adorable - when they eat, drink, sleep, play, hunt, fight, roar, meow etc. Everybody is just obsessed with them but they might not like you as much as you like them.

    What inspired me (or let me down enough, based on your perception) to write this article?

    It's like, every time I'm up for some article reading, video watching or whatever, there's always cats on the "featured" and "recommended" pages. Every blog, forum, gallery... come on people, there's thousands of other cute and funny animals out there!

    Chris Torres, the creator of Nyan Cat, once said "It's a clear fact that the Internet is made of cats."

    Don't get me wrong on this, I don't hate cats. In fact I do own 2 of them. It's just annoying: Open your Facebook, G+, Twitter or any other social platform you use and take a look at what your friends are sharing. Guess what - cat photos and videos.

    Personal Pro Tip: Ever wondered what to post on your wall to get attention, likes and comments? Well you have come to the right place, young internet user. When in doubt - post cats!

    Let’s give other animals a chance to shine on the internet and our daily lives

    Let's say - bunnies. Yes, bunnies! Why not? What does a cat have that a rabbit does not?

    - Rabbits are also cute and furry four pawed mammals

    - They are also wild animals that can be domesticated

    - There are many breeds

    - Bunnies also do unusual and stupid stuff

    - They are too unique in their own way

    - You can do quite good memes with rabbits

    10 Curious Facts About Rabbits

    1. Darius - the world's biggest rabbit, from UK - weighs around 50 pounds and is 4 feet, 3 inches. He is considered " the most valuable" rabbit on Earth, and is insured for around $1.6/million. He even has his own personal bodyguard.

    2. Nature has blessed rabbits with excellent runner abilities which can range up to a speed of 40 mph.

    3. Rabbits have 28 teeth.

    4. The world's oldest rabbit died at the age of 16.

    5. A domesticated rabbit usually lives around 5 to 8 years.

    6. Rabbits are the third most popular pet option in the UK.

    7. The average heart rate of a rabbit ranges between 130-325 beats per minute

    8. A rabbit's teeth never stop growing throughout its life.

    9. Rabbits can jump up to 36 inches or higher.

    10. Pet rabbits can be trained using a reward-based training system

    Anyway I’m done with theorycrafting - it’s time for show.

    You can invent dumb puns with rabbits too.

    Bunnies steal your food too.

    They can wear sunglasses too. They got swag. Deal with it.

    They also like boxes.

    Rabbits can go shopping.

    Rabbits are cute too when they yawn.

    Bunnies are gorgeous in clothes too.

    They like video games.

    Game of Carrots

    Bunnies can photobomb too.

    Rabbits can drive too.

    So people, LET'S MAKE BUNNIES VIRAL! This is a call to arms.





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