17 Knockoff Game Systems That Failed So Hard They Almost Won

    Seems legit.

    1. This Game Child.

    2. These Game Boy "must haves."

    3. The Segendo Game Boy Gear.

    4. This super early Wii prototype.

    5. The "Original" POWER PLAYER.

    6. The X-Game 360.

    7. The handheld SupaBoy.

    8. The Hamy WiWi.

    9. PCP.

    10. PolyStation: The Poly Machine.

    11. The XBOX Mini.

    12. Treamcast.

    13. Super Megason IV.

    14. WiNi Sports.

    15. This PlayStation 4.

    16. The PikáBoy 2.

    17. Advance Felony Boy.