21 Joys Of Being A Girl And Growing Up With A Single Mom

    As told by Lorelai, Rory, and other single moms and daughters in pop culture.

    1. You can turn every night into a sleepover because there is always room in her bed.

    2. And when you're younger there's only one parent who will get mad at you when you act up in school.

    3. You're her "date" for every occasion.

    4. You don't have to fight for her attention because there is no one else around to steal your thunder.

    5. So she can focus on teaching you all the girly life lessons you need to be taught.

    6. And showing you the tough love that's needed to prepare yourself for the experiences to come.

    7. Your planned Friday nights together are sacred, and no one or nothing else can come in-between.

    8. You know every little detail about the other's life and you're both master whizzes at gossiping.

    9. You're instant shopping partners. Even when you're far away you send each other "clothes selfies" whilst in the store before purchasing.

    10. Truth be told, you act more like best friends than you ever do mother and daughter.

    11. Because there are no boundaries and you're mostly comfortable asking her the really awkward questions.

    12. Especially about love and heartbreak, because she obviously knows a thing or two about that.

    13. You mature at a much faster rate because there are certain adult things about her past you have to understand at a younger age.

    14. Once a little older, your palpable closeness and bond will get you mistaken for sisters A LOT.

    15. And with that comes the joy of sharing each other's clothes and doubling up on your wardrobe.

    16. Through the years you've developed your own quirks and idiosyncrasies that no one else quite gets.

    17. You're thrilled to imagine that when the time comes, she'll be the one walking you down the aisle.

    18. Because she had to juggle you on her own, you will forever consider your mom a superhero who can make ANYTHING happen.

    19. And even after that, when things change and new people come into your families you'll still always be each other's #1.

    20. Because she's not just your mom... she's your mother/best friend/sister/therapist/go-to person for everything in life all wrapped up into one.

    21. And you're hers too!