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    12 (+bonus!) Sure Fire Ways To Avoid A Disastrous Valentine's - Backed By Real Science!*

    Whatever you do, just avoid going out if you end up feeling like number five. *(Well, Most Of It).

    1. First, find your date. The internet's the go to place - although you may not get quite what you expected.

    2. You might go old school, and try and find someone special in the 'real world'...

    3. Result. So, you've got a date. And yes, it's ok to be excited...

    4. Now - venue. Don't pick a skanky place

    5. After all what's the worst that can happen...

    6. Hmmm, what to wear... something you feel super hot and super comfortable in.

    7. Always try to make a great entrance!

    8. Everyone loves a good listener - so try not to hog the conversation.

    9. But, definitely get involved in the conversation.

    10. Don't come on too strong, too soon.

    11. Always have a plan B lined up.

    12. Even if you don't have to use it.

    Good luck, and have a great date. We can't promise a kiss at the end, but we can help you choose the right restaurant.