This is a personal, non-sponsored post by a member of BuzzFeed's ad content team.

    Introducing Linda Robbins: Photoshop Supermodel

    Linda Patricia Robbins had a Flickr account with 169 pictures of herself convincingly photoshopped onto various scenes and, presumably, bodies. The account no longer exists, but fortunately, some of the photos and captions were saved before its removal. Words fail to capture the magnificence of these images.

    1. Hey Big Boy

    2. Ripped Jeans in B&W

    3. Hot Ex-Boyfriend

    4. Vrooooom!!!

    5. OMG, Another Bikini!!

    6. Flapper

    7. Call Me Later!

    8. I Need A Hug

    9. Teenage Dream

    10. Cowgirl

    11. Long Blonde Hair



    I work as a para-legal and I part-time model. I own many type of wigs to change my looks. Ya just never know what you're gonna get!