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    Everything You Need To Know To Survive Chop't

    You can't just stroll in there without knowing the unspoken rules.

    1. First things first: Do not, under any circumstances, go between the hours of noon and 2 p.m.

    2. Stepping up to the counter unprepared can cause panic attacks. Don't do it.

    3. Steer clear of the "classic salads."

    4. Be smart about toppings.

    5. Splurge when necessary.

    6. Say no to the shrimp.

    7. Consider a crunch.

    8. On a budget? Skip the cheese and order the blue cheese dressing.

    9. Get the dressing on the side.

    10. Minimize your spicy components.

    11. Pass on the bread.

    12. Ignore the sea salt caramels tempting you at the register.

    13. Know that all magic comes with a price.