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    The Mallard - Fashion For A Cause

    The Mallard, a new clothing brand designed by two prep school students, is making waves with its "effortless style, the very best quality and comfort, and an enduring legacy of subtle success." Furthermore, a portion of the profits made are donated directly to the WIlliams Syndrome foundation to fund research on this serious childhood disease.

    From the creators of the brand:

    About a year ago, during one of our discussions about the current mediocre state of men's clothing, we decided that we should quit talking and start doing. Thus, we embarked on a long journey that we hope is only starting. With The Mallard, we are focusing our collective passion on what we believe can set a very high bar for both timeless style and quality. We introduce you to The Mallard. Where others claim to understand, to create and to produce – but fail along the way – we believe The Mallard will succeed. "Preppy" means many things. To us, it defines effortless style, the very best quality and comfort, and an enduring legacy of subtle success.
    Please check out our initial offerings and know that we would like you to join The Mallard family by being the first to sport our new products. The Mallard is our creation, but it's really about providing you with the very best option, not just another option, to create your own sense of personal style.

    Of course, we would love for you to go to our site and be one of the first to buy our products, but we understand that our products may not be for everyone. So all we ask is that you like or share this status, as well as our social media pages that way we can get our name out there and expand our passion. As for anyone who would like to support and purchase one of our products, we are having a summer sale right now and you can receive a 15% discount at checkout with the promo code "mallardsummer2014."

    Thank you for all of your support!

    Wyatt and Griffin

    These two students designed an entire company to raise money for a cause very dear to their hearts, so help spread the word and make their dreams come true!

    For a sample of their work, check out their website.

    Check them out on social media:



