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    15 Ways You Know You Were Raised By Crafters

    Store-bought costumes? Paper bag lunches? Anthropologie quilts for $300? Girl, please.

    1. Your parents viewed catalogs as pattern suggestions.

    2. Every quilt or pillow you've ever owned had your name appliqued somewhere on it.

    3. You asked for a new laptop for graduation. You got a memory quilt.

    4. Your Halloween costumes were always homemade...

    5. Speaking of Halloween costumes, family costumes were a thing.

    6. Your mom nearly lost you a date to prom after she spent four hours quizzing him about the fabric and cut of his tux.

    7. You've stopped being surprised about the places you find fabric scraps.

    8. Your shirt/dress/pants have a hole?

    9. You don't understand why all your friends stress out about Christmas and birthday gifts.

    10. Bobbins, a summary:

    11. You compulsively buy supplies for everything, "just in case you need it later."

    12. You could name all the best sewing machines before you could name all 50 states.

    13. "Wow, I'd never guess that was ~homemade~."

    14. The scariest thing that has ever happened to you was when you accidentally walked in on your mom and her crafting group throwing down about which sewing machine was best.

    15. You have more handmade items than anyone you know--and every one of them is attached to a memory that you wouldn't trade for all the designer clothes in the world.