Here Are Even More Comics From The Artist Who Illustrates Beautiful "Harry Potter" Scenes That Didn't Make The Movies

    These scenes from the Harry Potter books might make you laugh but will DEFINITELY make you cry.

    Hello, my Harry Potter–loving friends. You might remember Katie Knudson, a comic artist who draws beautiful, emotionally packed scenes that the Harry Potter movies left out or changed. Well, she's been busy creating new art and it's honestly too beautiful not to share! For instance, here's one of my personal favorites from Order of the Phoenix:

    She also draws scenes that will absolutely bring out your emotional side, like this one with Fred, George, and Percy (YOU KNOW WHICH SCENE) from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:

    Are you crying yet? Because you're about to be. This is another tear-jerking scene that Katie drew from Lily Potter's letter that we saw Harry read in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:

    Katie is experimenting with other types of scenes too. The artist told BuzzFeed:

    "I'm still drawing scenes that weren't in the movies. That's my favorite go-to subject matter and it's a pretty endless well of ideas. However, my last comic, "Tea at Hagrid's," was actually a scene that wasn't in the books at all! It was mentioned as an aside that Hermione went to visit Hagrid, but never shown in The Prisoner of Azkaban! So I reread that section of the book and wrote the Hagrid and Hermione scene myself. That was a super-fun deviation from the normal comics that are word-for-word interpretations."

    Here's the full comic she's referring to:

    Katie has expanded her comics in a few different ways since we first featured her. For one, she has a Patreon (currently paused until August!) where she offers access to her art before it appears anywhere else, handwritten letters, mini prints, and monthly commissions.

    "I've really been enjoying creating cool stuff for my patrons and forming an awesome community with them! Unfortunately I've had to take a break from Patreon for a few months because of that-thing-which-all-creatives-fear: Burnout!! The time it took to maintain my Patreon was pretty all-consuming, which was lovely because it's my favorite thing to work on. Unfortunately, the stress of my game studio job, mixed with no free time led me to a pretty unhealthy place. So I've been resting and recovering so I can come back and make more comics, but hopefully on a healthier schedule!"

    Here's a shortened version of another one of her comics called "Yule Ball," which is obviously the iconic scene when Harry and Ron barely recognize Hermione with Krum — and Ron is all kinds of jealous:

    If you've found yourself thinking, DANG, I would 100% buy this as a comic book — you're in luck! Katie has a zine called Obliviate where you can purchase a physical or digital copy of these comics.

    You can find more wonderful art from Katie on her Tumblr, Loquacious Literature!