

I’m an over-achieving, workaholic, MBA student who has recently went from working 9 to whenever to being a stay-at-home mom.. abruptly. My goal with this is to stay sharp and keep busy as I work through this life transition. I know what you’re thinking, another ‘Mommy Blog’. Nope, though I will be sharing the excitement that comes with ruining your first-grader’s life just about every day. #ballerstatus You will, more than likely, find the scattered musings of a woman struggling with major depressive disorder, anxiety, a strong pull towards religion and a huge fear of anything that takes faith. You’ll find the humor of a middle school-aged boy and some geeking out over whatever video game I am currently devouring.. plus, some book reviews because this is my blog and I do what I want (and I’ve always wanted to review books). And now, some random facts so you know just what you’re getting into: 1) I love technology. 2) That being said, I hate my Kindle. Sorry Amazon. It’s great, in theory, but I need to hold my books. And smell them. And dog-ear the pages. 3) I used to play World of Warcraft at the level that rivaled having a second full-time job. I’ve been clean for almost 4 years now. I miss it most at Christmas (Feast of Winter Veil). 4) I am a professional at the ‘Pinterest Fail’. So keep your eye out for those posts. They’re a riot. 5) My senior year in high school I was recognized as one of the top egg candlers in my state. Almost 15 years later I totally still think this should be on my resume. 6) I hate wearing pants. 7) I used to be able to drink just about any man under the table. Until I realized that when you are an adult that skill is pretty much being an alcoholic. I abstain from drinking 95% of the time now. 8) I’m just now figuring out who I am. And that makes me feel great and sad at the same time. 9) I cannot dance. 10) One day I heard one of my favorite Counting Crows songs on the ‘oldies’ station and it ruined my whole week. Realistically, if you’re still reading this BRAVO! I don’t really know where I’m going with this new experiment but I hope you find something that makes you smile, laugh, maybe cry, cringe, and think, “thank goodness I’m not the only one.” .:* You can find me on the following social media, give me a follow and a shout out so I know you did! twitter: @eefersx0 twitch: stitchx0 xbox live: stitchx0 Instagram: stitchx0 pinterest: junespirit

Sep 2012
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