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    19 Seriously Smart Tips To Up Your Instagram Game

    I'd double-tap that.

    1. Take photos without posting them right away.

    2. Download the Look Birdy app if you're frequently Instagramming kids or pets.

    3. Find out the best times for posting with Iconosquare.

    Iconosquare uses optimization tools to analyze your engagement. Sign up to monitor your average number of likes, the exact time of day you should be posting, follower growth, and much more.

    4. Use the grid feature to help compose your shots.

    5. Catch #nofilter frauds in the act with Filter Fakers.

    6. Adjust the photo brightness before playing with filters.

    7. Stop using the front-facing camera for selfies.

    8. Utilize your earbuds for more than just music.

    9. Add text to your images with Over.

    Become your own graphic artist here.

    10. If you're 'gramming food frequently, consider the FoodShareFilter app.

    11. If the lighting can't easily be fixed, try black and white.

    12. Rather than posting similar pictures separately, make a collage with Diptic.

    13. Take epic videos with Instagram's Hyperlapse app.

    14. Make sure the image is really sharp.

    15. Make a GIF, filter it, and put it on Instagram with Party Party.

    16. Be consistent in what and how you're posting.

    Especially if you're looking to gain more followers, people like being able to gauge what your page is about pretty quickly. Treat your Instagram like a curated collection of your life.

    17. Download Layout from Instagram for cool effects.

    You can now easily combine multiple photos into a single image. Download it here.

    18. Stand on a chair to take foodie 'grams.

    19. Follow @Instagram and participate in their #projects.