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    Mitt Romney's Pixie Dome

    What was clear throughout was Romney the private and family man was different than the Romney that appeared in the media.

    I watched the latest Netflix's original documentary about former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney's quest to become President of the United States and I must admit laughing out loud at several scenes. Throughout the documentary all of the Romney's family members constantly asked why. They couldn't believe their misfortune and it seems the America that said no.

    At one point Romney talked about his good friend and Papa Gino's owner Schnatter and the owner mentioning to him that he wouldn't start a business today given the taxes associated with starting a business. Some remember Mitt Romney perched from Schnatter's home, hailing "who would've ever imagined what pizza can build" and highlighting the pool, golf course and the grand estate.

    What was clear throughout was Romney the private and family man was different than the Romney that appeared in the media and the public image that kept too many Republicans out of the polling booths on election day.

    It wasn't simply that Romney wasn't conservative enough for some Republicans. The truth was also that Obama in 2012 and McCain during the Republican Primaries in 2008 did a great job of defining the former Governor and Romney described it as, "A flipping Mormon." There were too many American's who were also disaffected with Romney's vision of American and believed he meant the 47% statement.

    'Mitt' was never short of a self-assured smugness and insular world where family believed their guy was the right person for our present American, even though he was going to come in enacting policies he assumed would be better for the 53% and the 47%.

    There were points were I felt sorry for the Romney's as the up and down of the race took an emotional toll on them, but I also got the sense that they were under their own pixie dome where they never really got in rhythm with America's pulse.

    At one point Romney verbalized standing on his father's shoulders and even said he had it easy with wealth and privilege unlike his father who experience financial loss and became very successful as Governor of Michigan and the head of American Motors Corp. The great question of our time is are the same opportunities available to Americans today.

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