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    Joe Klein exhibits the bigoted extremism of Republican radicals

    I’d have to say Joe Klein exhibits some of the heresy from Republican extremists based on ignorance and bigotry, just in a smaller dose.

    I'm trying to recount the last time I've read a piece like the latest piece from Joe Klein, the journalist and columnist turned psychoanalyst. He captures a lot of what we see by the like of Fox News pundits and talking heads in terms of far-reaching pronouncement about what the President seems to feeling from face gestures.

    …the President's body language has too often conveyed disgust and cynicism. He seems defeated by the trivial pursuits of the media and his opponents. He does not have the sunny conviction necessary to carry the country through a period of near biblical plagues and wars. His policies and popularity have been crippled by his dour political sense.

    We're left asking if there's a lot of room for subjective interpretation here. Care to flip the switch here, what was Joe Klein's body language when he wrote this piece, was it dour?

    You have to like the fact that Joe weeded through all of the GOP and extremist media attacks to say that the President's policies are actually working, imagine that.

    You have a President who has brought the country through one of the worst economic calamities of global proportions, a catalyst for giving the nation affordable health care and ending the era of conglomerates lobbying congressional leaders to rip off folks with terminal illnesses and preexisting medical conditions, manage two wars, lead in ushering the most crippling sanctions against a rogue nation in Iran, received memorable praise from GOP leaders during natural disasters during his watch unlike the Katrina disasters, pushed back on the threat of Al Qaeda, brought credibility back to a nation who lost its standing with world leaders concerning the "dumb war" in Iraq…

    So I'd have to say Joe Klein exhibits some of the heresy from Republican extremist based on ignorance and bigotry, just in a smaller dose. Like all of those White Americans sucking up the benefits of Obamacare and like all of those politicians at the ribbon cutting ceremonies of stimulus funds and thumbing their noses at the administration at the same time Joe needs to rid himself of this madness.