18 Things That Are Better Than The Weather In New York Today

    Hi, sky — can we agree to draw the line at ice pellets?

    Those of you who live in New York may have woken up to some disturbing conditions out there this morning.

    Saw "ice pellets" as the weather today & was like "that's not a weather." Walked outside: yup, ice pellets. #Winter is getting creative.

    Yup. Ice pellets.

    Omg it's rainy and ice pellets are hitting the window everyone go back to bed!!!

    Just the latest in a winter that's seen single-digit temperatures and a buttload of snow.

    I won't let you ruin my day, ice pellets!!! 😭💧💥❄️

    Here are a few things that are better than the weather today in New York.

    1. A day-old cinnamon raisin bagel with extra raisins.

    2. A salad of just iceberg lettuce.

    3. Waiting for the G train on a Sunday at 2 a.m.

    4. Finding a live poisonous frog in your lasagna.

    5. Sharting at work.

    6. Doing a Google Image search for "amoeba in eye."

    7. Guy's Grocery Games.

    8. Guy Fieri without his signature blond locks and facial hair.

    9. Having a disorder in which the only way to fall asleep is to listen to Nickelback's hit album Silver Side Up on repeat at least three times every night.

    10. Shopping at Trader Joe's the night before Thanksgiving. Or 4th of July. Or on a Saturday. Or on a weekday at 6 p.m.

    11. Opening every package of Starbursts from this day forward to find only yellow Starbursts.

    12. Being face-to-face with a goblin shark.

    13. Accidentally eating a weed brownie instead of a regular brownie before an important interview.

    14. Going to a party where the only dessert is buttered popcorn jellybeans.

    15. Being forced to wear matching outfits to a themed bachelorette party.

    16. Shots of Sugar Crush vodka.

    17. Running into the "it's showtime!" guys on every subway ride you take for the rest of your life.

    18. And the only entertainment option on a nonstop flight to China being From Justin to Kelly.