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    25 Reasons Wine Is Definitely Your Soulmate

    "If we're living in a world where pasta and alcohol are wrong, then I don't want to be right."

    For wine lovers everywhere who are misunderstood, this will restore your faith that you are not alone in your constant quest for wine.

    We may be labeled as drunks and spinsters, but in reality we are just fun loving people who enjoy a nice glass (or ten) of God's gift to humanity: Wine.

    There are endless reasons why wine is our soulmate, but here is a measly 25 of them.

    1. Because it's relaxing as shit.

    2. And classy as shit too.

    3. It actually tastes really good.

    4. It's a good way to end the day, no matter what kind of day you had.

    5. Everyone looks sexy when they drink it.

    6. People love it so much, they've invented ways to drink it hands-free.

    7. Like this cleverly named Wine Rack.

    8. Because Beyonce loves it.

    9. And so does Rhianna.

    10. Renée Zellwegerr, um, REALLY loves it.

    11. Even the Royal Family enjoys the occasional wine tour.

    12. Because in the wine community, there's no such thing as too much.

    13. NO. SUCH. THING.

    14. Because it goes perfectly with any and every food, especially anything cheese related.

    15. Or pasta related.

    16. And we choose our friends based on their knowledge/love of wine.

    17. Because even cats get it.

    18. Are we making sense yet? No? More wine should fix that.

    19. Because wine is smart.

    20. But it will still be there for us when we need to drink away our sorrows.

    21. Or just for any occasion really.

    22. Because of the cork DIY projects that are taking over the world.

    23. Because WINE GIFT BASKETS.

    24. But it's all okay, because there is a wine for every budget.

    25. And hey, did we mention Tom Hiddleston (aka the world's favorite anti-hero Loki) loves it too?

    So stay classy, or not, we really don't care as long as wine is your soulmate we approve.