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    Because We’re Happy: Mary Burke Edition #WIgov

    Pharrell made us happy when he went on Ellen and talked about ending gender discrimination in pay. You know what else makes us happy? Mary Burke running for governor against Scott Walker in Wisconsin. Here’s why. Go ahead, clap along.

    Clap along if you feel like a woman gov is overdue

    Clap along if you think health care should belong to you

    Clap along if you know that jobs are what you value

    Clap along if woman businesses are what you’re into

    Clap along if your community matters to you

    Clap along if you think education needs overview

    Clap along if you think lower health costs are a breakthrough

    Clap along if Wisconsin industries should be renewed

    Clap along if the minimum wage really needs rescue

    Clap along if you think unions should get to argue

    Clap along if you don’t want voting to be an issue