The Best Part Of The "Scandal" Season 4 Premiere Didn't Even Involve Olivia Pope


    It's been a few months since we last saw Mellie (Bellamy Young) and she's (understandably) not handling the death of her son well.

    She's going to single-handedly bring back Uggs.

    She's carefree as all hell. And brutally honest, especially when it comes to her husband, Fitz (Tony Goldwyn).

    She's not afraid to air any and all secrets that might have happened during the off-season.

    Like, she's just fine with laying it all out on the table.

    Don't lie to this First Lady!

    And though Fitz claims he's trying to stay close to his wife (err, as close as they know how to be) during this difficult time...

    ...She is not buying his bullshit.

    Yeaaaah, Mellie!

    But she's not done!

    Even Scandal creator Shonda Rhimes admits Mellie doesn't give two hoots what anyone thinks. And it's awesome.

    Y'all, Mellie's talking about her panties. And saying "sister". And wearing Uggs. And going BOWLING! #FuckItMellie

    What will Mellie say next? Find out next week on Scandal, airing Thursday's at 9 p.m. on ABC.