Watch Frank Underwood Get Schooled On Presidential Trivia By A 5-Year-Old

    Kevin Spacey's got nothing on Macey.

    On The Ellen DeGeneres Show this week, Macey, the 5-year-old genius/presidential expert, competed against Kevin Spacey, who plays President Frank Underwood on House of Cards, in presidential trivia.

    Ready? Let's just say he so was not.

    Macey answered the first question correctly, before Ellen could even finish reading it.

    For the second question, Macey gave Spacey a chance. But he didn't know what the answer was so he didn't even attempt to seize the opportunity. Then Macey went in for the kill.

    After a few questions, and down by a lot, Spacey decided to get courageous and just guess.

    Sadly, he was FAR off.

    But look how proud he is of Macey for knowing the correct answer!

    Then came the rapid-fire round. And Spacey tried to call the producers out for mixing things up.

    The second game challenged Spacey and Macey to identify as many presidents by their pictures as they could. Spacey started out strong, but things went downhill fast.

    Let's just say Macey identified a few more pictures.

    She was a gracious winner.

    Watch the entire competition between Spacey and Macey here: