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    College Tumblrs And Memes: Superlatives

    It seems like every college has its own student-run facebook page or tumblr these days. Here are some "bests", "mosts", "worsts", and "leasts"

    1. Most Typical: Colgate College tumblr #mylifeasafoodfanatic

    2. Biggest Identity Crisis: Dartmouth College

    3. Most unappreciative of the tropical setting: University of Miami memes

    4. Most Pretentious/Biggest Complainers: RISD tumblr #onlyatrisd

    5. Most likely to take yourself too seriously: NYU Local

    6. Most like to have been written by a female WASP: Skidmore College #whatshouldglotzbacallme

    7. Least likely to conform: Brown University