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    10 Easy Steps To Become A Feminist

    Because you do believe in gender equality, don't you?

    1. Burn all your bras (yes, ALL of them).

    2. Let your body hair grow.

    3. Stop wearing make-up.

    4. Delete all your male friends from Facebook.

    5. Become a lesbian.

    6. Be unrelentingly angry.

    7. Get depressed (and nurture a questionable Prozac habit).

    8. Start drinking.

    9. Declare your distrust in the capitalist system to anyone who does not want to listen.

    10. Start a blog dedicated to man-hating and the breaking down of the nuclear family.

    If you can manage these 10 easy steps, then congrats - you can officially call yourself a proud feminist! Get the alcohol out and change your Tinder settings 🍻 🎉 🙌