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21 Struggles All Ridiculously Pale Girls Will Understand

No, I'm not sick. That's just the colour of my face.

1. Finding a foundation that actually matches your skin tone is so difficult that by this point you've just given up altogether.

2. Which means that whenever you have a pimple, it stands out like a shining beacon on your face because you can't find any not-orange concealer to cover it.

3. In fact, getting any kind of face make-up that doesn't make you look like a clown is way more effort than it's worth.

The awkward moment when your makeup is too dark for your face & the color is 'transparent.' #paleproblems

4. And while the whole world is going crazy for Kim K contouring, you're in the corner using a slightly darker* concealer instead of bronzer.

5. After the make-up struggle has been overcome, you have to face the fact that any "nude" tights you buy are going to make your legs look like they belong to a different body.

That moment when you put on "light beige" tights and it's still darker than your actual skin tone. #paleproblems

Because "nude" = at least five shades darker than your actual skin tone.

6. You bring a whole new meaning to the phrase "good selfie lighting".

7. And flash photography is basically the bane of your entire existence.

flash photography at night is not a good look for me #paleproblems

8. Especially when your friends aren't a bunch of ghosts, and you're the only one in the photo that just looks like a hovering pair of eyes.

9. You live in constant fear of embarrassment, because it's completely impossible to hide it when you blush.

10. And something as simple as walking up a couple of flights of stairs leaves you red-faced and looking like you just ran a marathon.

11. People constantly ask you if you're feeling OK, as if they haven't seen you being this pale every other day of your life.

Didn't have any foundation on today, 7 people asked me if I was feeling ill 😩😂 #paleproblems

12. But then when you actually get sick, nobody notices, because you physically cannot get any paler.

13. You're completely sick of people telling you that you look like you "need some sun".

14. Because the constant need to reapply sunscreen is just way too much maintenance.

I have literally put on sunscreen like 10 times in the past 3 hours while at the beach and I'm still look like a lobster #paleproblems

15. Plus, hardly any shops actually stock the SPF 1 million+ that you need.

16. And even if you can be bothered to slather yourself in sunscreen on an hourly basis, you still have to follow the shade wherever you go.

Moving my deck chair every time the sun moves to stay in the shade is like the physical manifestation of trying to chase time #paleproblems

17. Because sunburn is a real thing, and it hurts.

18. Not to mention, sometimes you can spend HOURS in the sun and remain just as pale as you always were.

19. But you're still totally over telling people that you don't fake tan because you don't want to look like you work in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.

20. So you can't wait for summer to be over, people to stop asking you where your tan is, and balance to be restored.

21. Until it starts to snow, and you keep getting lost because you blend in with your surroundings.

If I were to get buried in the snow no one would ever find this pasty body #paleproblems
