Reminder That Daniel Radcliffe's "Harry Potter" Audition Is Literally The Cutest Thing You'll Ever See


    Unless you've been living under a massive rock since the turn of the millennium, you're probably aware that this is Daniel Radcliffe, actor and IRL Harry Potter.

    To us, DanRad has been Harry ever since the year 2000. But this wasn't always the case. He had to audition for the role, which he reminded us of in a recent interview with The Times.

    His audition tape has since resurfaced, and it is guaranteed to be the most adorable thing you'll ever see in your life.

    At first we see a baby Dan giggle as he reads lines with director Chris Columbus...

    But then he gets more ~serious~ as he recites a passage from Prisoner of Azkaban.

    And then his fate is basically sealed when he tries on Harry's signature round glasses, and looks like the perfect Potter.


    Fangirl heart: Officially melted. 💖⚡️

    You can watch the video in full here:

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