21 Problems You Have As A Brit Studying Abroad In America

    Welcome to the land of sharing rooms and $200 textbooks.

    1. Firstly, it takes what feels like a decade to get to your new university.

    2. And as soon as you get there, you're basically forced to get involved in activities.

    3. And you also have to meet your roommate. Which means you're sharing a room. The room that you sleep in.

    4. Who will inevitably start mimicking your accent.

    5. If you don't know where the parties are during orientation, you're likely to end up sitting in an auditorium watching an amateur hypnotist.

    6. And if you do find out where the party's at, it'll just end up being busted by police within the first hour.

    7. Because underage drinking is a real thing again, and you definitely forgot what a pain it was.

    8. And even if you are over the legal drinking age, the alcohol definitely isn't up to par.

    9. When classes start, you seem to have them every day, and that hasn't happened to you since school.

    10. And not only do you suddenly have a shit ton more assignments...

    11. ...But you also have to pay about $2,000 just for one semester's reading list.

    12. You end up eating way more than usual, because the dining hall is right there, and it feels so free.

    13. But you are distraught at the lack of roast dinners.

    14. And that stuff they call "bacon".

    15. And you definitely miss getting a greasy portion of chips to soak up the alcohol after a night out.

    16. You thought you'd be travelling all over the country and seeing new places, but it turns out everything is at least five hours away.

    17. And if you want to get to a different state, you'll probably have to go by plane.

    18. And if you're not in a major city, there's never any (good) public transport to get you around the surrounding area.

    19. If you talk about a "hoover" or a "pavement" or a "trolley", people will look at you like you're an alien.

    20. And nobody ever understands the cultural references you never even realised were British.

    21. But the absolute worst thing about studying abroad in the US is that nobody ever has a fucking kettle.