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21 Reasons "Harry Potter" Is Actually The Worst Series Of All Time

The literal worst.

We all know about the Harry Potter series. Everyone in the whole world seems to love it. Or whatever.

Well, I'm here to tell you that the Harry Potter series is the legit worst. And here's why:

1. Firstly, after you read Harry Potter, you spend the rest of your life waiting for a Hogwarts letter. Even when you're old enough to have left Hogwarts.

2. You'll never get to go shopping on Diagon Alley.

3. You'll never experience the feeling of a wand ~choosing you~.

4. Sure, you can go to Kings Cross station, but the Hogwarts Express won't be there to whisk you away for a year of magic and adventure.

5. You can never gorge yourself on Chocolate Frogs, Fizzing Whizzbees, and Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans.

6. You may be able to take the Pottermore sorting quiz, but you'll never sit on that three-legged stool in the Great Hall and have the Sorting Hat tell you where you belong.

7. You'll never get to experience a real Hogwarts feast...

8. Or the magical feeling of flying through the air on a broomstick.

9. You'll never get to spend Christmas at Hogwarts, and you'll also never wear a jumper hand-knitted by Mrs Weasley.

10. You'll never get to breakfast at the Burrow.

11. It's highly unlikely that your end-of-year exams will ever be cancelled, because you don't go to Hogwarts, where tragic events conveniently occur during every exam season.

12. You don't go to Hogwarts, so your lessons will never consist of taking care of incredible creatures like Hippogriffs...

13. And even if you like your teachers, none will ever hold up to the standards set by Remus J. Lupin.

14. It's not just the incredibly unrealistic expectations that makes Harry Potter the worst series of all time, though – although that is pretty bad.

15. Face it: You'd be so much happier without Harry Potter.

16. Without Harry Potter, you wouldn't fall in love with characters only to have them ripped away from you.

17. Over...

18. And over...

19. And over again.

20. Be honest with yourself: Harry Potter ruins lives.

21. And you should probably just avoid reading it. Because IT ISN'T GODDAMN FAIR.