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    16 Pets Who Want You To Take Them To The Edinburgh Festival Fringe

    A celebration of our furriest and most feathered fringe fans.

    1. Molly the Scottie, who’s been studying for weeks in preparation.

    2. Tula, who will look at you with these eyes until you PROMISE she can come too.

    3. This feathery Fringe fan, who thinks it’ll be a hoot.

    4. This little guy, who’s nuts for festival fun!

    5. This turtle, who’s been making his way to Edinburgh for the last six months.

    6. Henry, who spent his morning picking must-sees and is just resting his eyes for a minute…

    7. Jezebel, who selects shows with friends over a glass of bubbly.

    8. Marvin, who takes his Fringe planning VERY seriously.

    9. The girls, who get together every year to plan their annual hen party...

    10. Guybrush, who makes time for the festival in her busy neighbourhood watch schedule.

    11. Holly, who’s very specific in her show selections.

    12. These friends, who think the programme looks both entertaining and tasty…

    13. This old gal, whose short-sightedness won’t stop her reviewing the programme in minute detail.

    14. And Flynn, who’s deeply absorbed making show selections.