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    Pop Songs Reimagined With A Jewish Twist

    Kidz Bop? More like, Yidz Bop! If Weird Al and Barbara Streisand had a baby, this would be its lullaby album. (Author's Note: I'm Jewish, so I can say this stuff.)

    "Royals" = "Mohels"

    "What Does the Fox Say?" = "Bagels and Lox, Hey!"

    "Blurred Lines" = "Kosher Grape Wine"

    "Purple Rain" = "Purple Gang"

    "Hey Ya" = "Oy Vey, Ah!"

    "Boyfriend" = "Goyfriend"

    "Wrecking Ball" = "Matzo Ball"

    "Sk8er Boi" = "J-Dater Boy"

    "Story Of My Life" = "Story Of Our Strife"

    "Friday" = "Rye Day"