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11 Actors Of Color Who Would Make "Magic Mike" Even Hotter

Because Channing Tatum is perfect, but there's always room for improvement.

The trailer for Magic Mike XXL dropped Wednesday, and it was a visual treat so delicious you could taste it.

The rest of the day was spent in an unquenchable state.

While Adam Rodriguez was featured in the first film, Stephen "tWitch" Boss was a welcome addition to the primarily white cast.

So it begged the question, "To make it even sexier, which other actors of color could be added to the Magic Mike cast?"

1. Godfrey Gao

2. Columbus Short

Admit it: You wondered how Harrison looked underneath those suspenders on Scandal. Keep in mind, before dance film Stomp the Yard Columbus was a dancer-choreographer for Britney Spears.

3. Jay Hernandez

4. William Levy

5. Pooch Hall

6. Rick Yune

Can Rick Yune dance? Who the hell knows.

Is Rick Yune coordinated? Duh, he does martial arts.

Is RIck Yune sexy? Next question.

7. Coby Bell

8. Mario Lopez

9. The Rock

10. Jason Momoa

11. Michael B. Jordan

Why doesn't Hollywood think of these things?