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    The 15 Phases Of Every Winter

    Was summer just a dream? As told by a Northern Hemisphere resident.

    Phase 1: The leaves are gone

    Phase 2: OMG!!! Snow!!!

    Phase 3: Christmas/The Holiday Season

    Phase 4: The Holiday Hangover

    Phase 5: Welcome to Planet Hoth

    Phase 6: You rediscover pasta

    Phase 7: Travel lusting

    Phase 8: Groundhog Day

    Phase 9: The news gives up

    Phase 10: It warms up (briefly)

    Phase 11: Stores start selling spring clothing

    Phase 12: Winter returns

    Phase 13: Grocery stores start featuring Mexican foods

    Phase 14: Your last big winter storm rolls through

    Phase 15: The world turns into mud

    Finally, it's all over