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57 Great Unanswered Questions From "A Muppet Family Christmas"

"Where we come from this is small talk."

In 1987, A Muppet Family Christmas first graced television screens. While copyright disputes have kept the special largely away from American eyes since, it remains a timeless Christmas classic.

However, A Muppet Family Christmas is not without its many egregious plot holes. Many questions are left unanswered in the 45 minute-long special, which was the only time the Muppet, Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock characters all got together.

There are a lot of questions left unanswered.

1. Is it legal to carry that many people in the back of a pick up truck?

2. Why are the windows open?

3. Who is this orange haired guy?

4. Why didn't Fozzie call his mother to let her know he was bringing over the whole Muppet troupe?

5. Why is Fozzie's Mom dressed like she's already in Malibu?

6. How could Doc not know he was renting from a bear?

7. Why does Gonzo go in for a greeting kiss with Fozzie's Mom?

8. Why is Doc not demanding a refund right about now?

9. Why is Sam The Eagle There?

10. Does Fozzie actually have to introduce Kermit to his mother?

11. How did Fozzie's Mom take three months of surfing lessons?

12. How does Miss Piggy know the Bear residence's phone number?

13. Why did the Swedish Chef come alone?

14. Why did the turkey bring a tennis racket?

15. How did the Electric Mayhem get set up so quickly?

16. Seriously, who is this guy?

17. What are Rowlf and Sprocket talking about?

18. Where can I find a place with singing woodland creatures?

19. Are penguins qualified to critique comedy?

20. Fozzie's Mom is named Emily?

21. How exactly did the turkey convince the Swedish Chef that Sprocket is a turkey and not a dog?

22. Why did Fozzie have to introduce Kermit to his mom if they are in this home movie together as babies?

23. Why does Emily Bear admit to remembering the film being made?

24. Why doesn't Camilla go right back to Gonzo?

25. How was it that the entire cast of Sesame Street was randomly caroling in this remote rural place?

26. Is this the greatest exchange in television history?

27. Did the writer seriously just suggest that the Swedish Chef is willing to kill Big Bird?

28. Did they forget to invite the Newsman up to the farmhouse?

29. When Oscar says it might be nice to have Rizzo in his trash can, does he mean that he would like that or not?

30. Why does Burt look so good in drag?

31. Is nothing sacred?

32. What was the Blizzard of '41 like?

33. Why was Miss Piggy not deterred when her limo driver crashed into a snow bank?

34. Is it a conflict of interest that Fozzie's mom is friends with his biggest critics?

35. In addition, Emily claims that they come by each Christmas. Why didn't she tell them she were going to be in Malibu?

36. How does the Swedish Chef intend on cooking Big Bird?

37. Since when are Doc and the Muppets friends?

38. How does Kermit already know about Fraggles?

39. What is the Fraggle version of Christmas called?

40. When you live in Fraggle Rock, how is a pebble that's been regifted 37 times considered a good gift?

41. Why is Kermit in such a rush?

42. How did Miss Piggy manage to have a dog sled and team and a perfectly sized Royal Canadian Mounted Police costume for Doc?

43. Why does Kermit think he can get around this by saying that Doc "Doesn't have to explain"?

44. If Sam doesn't want to be here, why is he singing along?

45. Why didn't anyone think to throw some salt or sand on the icy spot?

46. Where did Kermit's outfit come from?

47. Is there a better song for The Count to sing lead on than I Saw Three Ships (Come Sailing In)?

48. How does Doc not notice the Fraggles?

49. Why isn't Oscar taking this as an opportunity to make an epic photobomb?

50. Who gave those lamps to the woodland creatures?

51. Would it be possible to get away with a fur coat joke today?

52. What did Grover end up doing with the Fraggle pebble after Robin gave it to him?

53. Why did Santa come in through the front door?

54. Shouldn't Jim Henson be puppeteering?

55. Where did all those dishes come from?

56. Where was Sweetums?

57. Is this the greatest television Christmas special?

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The Jim Henson Company / Via youtube.com

All signs point to yes.