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    Top 10 Teams On T.V.

    If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a team to save the city, world, or galaxy. Check out the following list of the top 10 teams on television.

    10. Love Survivor

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    I mentioned the team of 4 Navy SEALs in the movie “Lone Survivor” at number 10, only because they’re not pretend. The movie is based on a book based on a real event. Honestly any Navy SEAL team should be #1 in this list because if they don’t learn to work together with their team mates- they don’t survive. But, they have somewhat of an unfair advantage over everyone else on this list, so I’ll place them at #10. (secretly #1 in my heart)

    9. The Fellowship of the Ring

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    Frodo and his small fellowship- made up of bow guy, ax dude, and sword man, head towards mount doom to destroy the ancient ring. Honestly, they’re never great at working together and survive mostly because each is a skilled fighter in his own right. Who really knows how Frodo survives the whole ordeal other than luck.

    8. The Walking Dead

    7. Star Wars

    6. Ghostbusters

    5. Ninja Turtles

    4. Justice League of America

    3. Avengers

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    The Avengers have to learn to work together, and it’s a process. But, they quickly learn to value what each member brings to the team. As they lean on each other’s strengths, they quickly defeat the enemy. They may have an army of monsters, but the Avengers have a hulk!

    2. A-Team

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    If you have a problem, and no one else can help, and you can find them, maybe you can hire- the A-Team. Each team member brings their own level of awesomeness and craziness. But, in each mission they must depend on each other’s strengths to get the job done.

    1. G.I. Joe

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    These guys are real American heroes and they’re fighting to save the day. The great thing about G.I. Joes is their ability to always work together, capitalizing on each other’s strengths. In fact, each Joe’s strength so defined them that it often characterized their “codename.” Ace was a fighter pilot. Shipwreck was a sailor. Doc was….wait for it…..a medic. The G.I. Joes were quick to send specific teams to accomplish certain missions that played to their strengths.

    Honorable Mentions

    - Care Bears (Care Bear Stare!)

    - Jack Bauer (He's a team in himself)

    - Toy Story (Never try to stop a toy on a mission)

    - The team from Predator