17 Jaden Smith Reactions For Everyday Situations

    Every. Day.

    1. When you think about an apple but you also think about the opposite of an apple at the same time.

    2. When the waiter brings you normal water instead of distilled.

    3. When a newborn baby asks you for some normal water.

    4. When you accidentally sit on a fragment of a holographic reality that a higher consciousness left in your limo.

    5. When you have to talk to some foster school kids at a charity thing and you just want to be like, "Why so angsty?"

    6. When you overhear some normal school kids talking about God but they aren't talking about your dad or Tom Cruise.

    7. When you're discussing prana energy with your friends and some normal school rando wanders into the convo and asks, "What is prana energy?"

    8. When you're thinking about all of your failures, but then you remember that they still crush a normal school kid's greatest success.

    Jason Merritt / Getty Images
    Jason Merritt / Getty Images
    Jason Merritt / Getty Images

    9. When you hear normals in the line at Starbucks chatting away about some nonsense like choosing a career path or something.

    10. When you're surrounded by a bunch of angsty normal school kids and there's nowhere to hide.

    11. When you discover that Beethoven was pretty angsty.

    12. When you stumble upon the greatest Nicaea convention ever.

    13. When the lawyers tell you how much it's going to cost your dad to imprint yourself on everything in this world.

    14. When you're forced to hang with kids who went to normal school but managed to get famous somehow.

    15. When your interview with the New York Times has to be edited and condensed.

    16. When your creator holds a press conference to announce that your body has been completely replaced by entirely new cells.

    17. The moment you realize no one on earth can ever possibly love anything as much as you love yourself.