19 Things Only Christopher Walken Knows To Be True

    Spoiler: there are no ~more cowbell~ references in this post.

    1. Meryl Streep will laugh at literally anything 😂

    2. It's not really his problem that the audience didn't ~get~ this impromptu poetry slam performance.

    3. The Fonz is actually a huge dork.

    4. This is his wife's shirt.

    5. This is some hella illuminati shit right here.

    6. He's their father.

    7. Same here.

    8. People will pull Christopher Walken's finger when Christopher Walken says, "Pull my finger," even though they know what happens next 💩

    9. Blondes that are this shade of blonde actually do not have more fun 👱

    10. You can survive on flavored lip balm alone for at least a couple of weeks.

    11. A Bosom Buddies reboot would just crush it at the box office.

    12. Your screenplay could use some work 😒

    13. Never work with a director who does this kind of crap.

    14. This is a damn good drawing.

    15. Giving a fuck is not an option.

    16. Not ever 🙇

    17. This belt could have gone higher. Much higher.

    18. This kind of dog is actually extremely delicious when paired with a nice Chianti.

    19. You should NOT go in there.