

Writers are not famous or rich or thanked. They are on strike alot and on welfare. Write for a publication type for job security! Don't forget actors make$$RERUNS They get residuals pay 4ever, representing STUDIOS & NETWORKS 4ever:) Bo****PRIVACY NOTICE:Follow bucket74 on Twitter The contents of this profile are private and legally privileged and confidential information, and the violation of my personal privacy is punishable by law. Was an only child many years growing up not from Dads offspring little did I know. With an offbeat mom and outta his mind Dad, sheltered + learning on the lower east side of Manhatten. Very lucky to have had a top floor view of NYC's skyline a dream childhood with starstruck parents. Dad recorded with big names his label AND was burned by Peter paul and Mary DAD should be world wide known HE is the first UNCREDITED My other "antagonist" is April lately found her here on F.B. explaining why the sheltering Mom did of me. Answer's thanks April. I do care for and love life and have cooperated too much a bit in the past. Mom shes a Leo tiger so I guess WE WIN. YOU DECIDE. iFor all the gusto in pictures and real story. Always go to scroll down click feedback, if you know my story first hand, thanks. Many people do know more than they choose to devulge, my dears, I lived in Brooklyn from 1969 to 82 you don't argue with that. THEY like to POP me for gettng used by people. I contributed tons to network TV and film studios. By a frenemy George Marshal lV, dads secret friend from the apt build in Brooklyn. In other words Dads other daughters step father, George who entitles himself "screenwriter"1994 to me at mom/dads. THE Poolside in Tampa metaphorically I got soaked!!! Like many writer's stories in great films like "Sunset Blvd" though HE was murdered in the end you might find me interesting, being I dodged a bullet myself I am still here! True. . . YOU decide about that title he gave himself. When George was just a key grip for one film only. I was 38yrs old in 1994. He is Leah Remini's step dad manager. She is my estranged or secret kept half sister She has one other older than herself halfsie by a year from another gent and another one younger don't know her dad. And step sisters closer to her age by George. I was 14, she was born. Her web page is fudged. I chose that little edge being I was not giving up all these scripts to this brick wall George who refused being honest. SHE can have this role but no DADDY anymore I already lost my whole family cousins aunts uncles due to her sheer birth and her stagestruck mother. GOING back a bit I developed her stage name when I was a teen! HER profile is pulp pop fiction! Not our dads picture thats Nicoles dad I know first hand or George's that's an imposter person. Really!!! My mother was furious she was born on the sneak by Leah's mom a wanna be Russian singer Victoria, 1970. She was the great stage mom. Pushed Leah to, Saved by the Bell and child modeling and in some small role's and also Whos the Boss. By 1994 no more than a hello no hey its you from Brooklyn. At the pool more in my book. MY casting fairy godmother part was: to put her in KING O QUEENS #1, really my show. Yes. GEORGE did it by instruction. "OR the magic dissolves" I told him spring of 1994 near the manicured lawn of the pool. I said use it for your scientology church his eyes glistened. Use her it would be good, I said. I had my artistic plan detailed too much for this page. He also took Will&Grace and all the details. Many many more in 5 meets at that pool. Close to 60 shows all family quirky innovative. Bye bye whispers of fun had by Dad with this crowd of her and his friends here in Tampa. So long 14 yrs. younger sister dating men I knew first. Right! Off on the red carpet 4 yrs later the Studio Hanley productions got it aired. Yes George did all the legwork knocked on Network exec's doors and studio heads meetings, to pitch film treatments, of my dramady creations one by one, making just a few or up to 10 thousand a beatscript Don't know exactly. and television productions with his pitching and selling skills. Its hard to change the great gangster tv cable show beginnings in names but that did sell for 4thousand. There will be name changes in my book. As George's scientologist belief's in his sprial eyes glazed he denied he could work for me but wanted more. I gave him fake persona's as ghost writer's entire collection of backrounds name and places. Just for wonderous Pen De Plumes to this AGENT For nothing he included his end of this bargain and kept Dads daughter a chaste topic. Dad did say furiously "Dont talk to him. No I said you know him. Dad already took and gave to him a few without my permission or did I care less since 1982. I put up a fight but some I took a chance and DAD never told me congrats you did it! Let me say that town of L.A. google all you want CHASTE is far from the word and my mother dared to tip me with about them they are wild. My dad stayed with my mother out of pity or lazy concerns self interest forever and still today. Same apt building 2woman 1970,, I know, read on: George the scientologist came in the picture in 1972, lucky for Dad George took over that family. Dad started to plan his life of disability to never work he tired of other jobs besides music the army, electrician. THEN stopped about 1978?? Little did I know until a trip to NY this June2010 my brother was not a figment of my imagination but true. Mean? Him? I was told in 1972 something like he was hughsized Mom cried over his mom Neopolitan like her. My mother is very kind sometimes, he is 3years younger dark looks. His mom was big short but Cute I heard they said I wouldn't like him. And you got it DAD still stayed with MOM seperated for 6months only one time in his own place! Or the army 2yrs 67 to 69. Must say my mother was sympathetic over the years past. To others. Why? She is I feel functionally retarded. Or brainy smart in few areas and determined. Never collected a disability check. If so, they'd owe her plenty. She has fear of being alone now has always been a horder. Never was she driving a car or keeping house normally. I don't live with her not for 20 yrs. May I add her great grandfather was a 2generation doctor in Naples Italy and had a highly sophisticated family otherwise. During comng to Florida in 82 yes for 2years then with Gordon P a Tampa simple guy 87 to 90. Gordon gave me tons of free cable tv with no car still nothing to do but watch it!!! that INGNITED the ideas for TV creation. I in turn got lies and got all these years alone with a FREE CAR from DAD. Two new ones in 1992 and 93. I know Mom Dad were to busy having open marraige in a mild sense. For years. Tons of secrets. Covered with doses of sunday church. Saint stories from Mom. Credit to her on She is whimisical/tempermenta celeb and old flim/buff to the core. Dad son of Sicilian immigrants was a music producer of 60's pop music. Vinny Catalano/yahoo,music. He was born in Conn. Mom born in Bklyn lived in NYC. We lived in New York City, then Brooklyn. Me I followed them by chasing a rainbow. Fighting DAD. DAD just rode that dream telling family and every slug in Tampa and Bklyn back then about his other kids! He told me or threatened to me: " No no other siblings." "Not your business" Or he looked confused about it. I invented her stage name was he telling people family HE thought of her stage name and who knows what else?!!! HE did NOT. He tore up the outlines and casting treatment I gave him KING OF QUEENS! Big fight over Third Rock which Jon Lithgow spoke of publically!!! "The true original thinkers and the familly squabble over it" he said, on tv in the promos! I developed others, gave to George in 1994 verbally, nearside the apt pool of both families Leahs and mine. 30 shows,30 films big network some Big film successes. I also created GHOST WRITER PERSONAS. ENTIRE scopes of PEN DE PLUMES. Writers, Pen Names places they live for certain books, for one tv hit the book about 4woman in NYC. On purpose with George's problem coming clean that he would take all he could with Dad's permission I was desparate. He certainly was he had his own children one sickley one and now I have remembered Leah was busy!!! Now thankfully, coming out bout her own porn past HAS made me remember of her teen pregency in the mid 80;s very very true and she has posed with the adult child of certain needs True. Hey they found out about Marilyn Monroe and her adopted past THEY will all this someday. OH yes and me living like a nun. My original problem was I did not want Dad to leave US me and mom. Mom is needy verbally abusive or complementary wild behaviors. Hating my job so much being painted in a corner by DADS rants "NO YOU CAN"T WORK RETAIL they are my friend's at the mall" HE SAID.... Later on I worked stores anyway in 97. First in 1989 it was nurse aid for 5yrs by dads demands or no car Whew deal breaker. THE name of the game is BEAT SCRIPTS 2 to 10'000 a peice . George took what I verbatum gave him, he hawked them HE needed the doe himself? Now, no, I think unless he left Leah's mom L makes 7 million a year. How he just kept saying I can't work with it is unreal!!!. (why Dad told him and said to) Or he was told to not let me know until 2008? He wanted to bust! He showed at the local family meeting restaraunt. Where usuually he gets up usually and he runs to the back. Thats George or Leah with some local handsome wanna be actor. I saw my movies in Blockbuster and at the cinemaplex after that. "Forgetting Sara Marshall" and "Amatuers". I woke up. I think my father needed me to keep my mother quiet and is needy clingy and as sneaky as himself... Me getting so Used. Dad always with his own life agenda a strange shoddy one. Though they live together! I went along cooperating with no agents or lawyers for myself, until 2008 I saw George and his own blood daughter a heavy blond I remember from the Brooklyn elevatored building, but he did not run this time, he wanted to tell me how many things were so critically acclaimed accepted praised. I got a bit loud of course I did not want to approach him in this place a restaraunt both sides of these families visit... My mother's words excitedly... ARE YOU Going to talk to him? Which makes me think its all Dad the trouble of this secret underhanded crap. I overheard something. To his real daughter Cristine (I remember from Bklyn.apt building.) He said pssst bla bla the the "skeleton and guts" of the show. Thats writers termonology. AND NOT THE first big show of mine. Though there was more before King but much after all in all 20 odd years of tv film comedy. Dad relayed things to George our Hollywood connection. With me thinking I have no sister for sure the DNA is not in. Mom faintly concerned about it. Rarely showing true emotion. If so its like her eyes turn excorcist as she faced me from hiding her head away. Devil red she chooses to be silent. When we hear of Tv reunions of family. She wains, in feeling hurt. Or she tells me of family trouble that could result in assassination(about my aunt). What did Dad tell the extended family? They dumped me in 1970 all 15 cousins no card no letter not a word of I remember you, except the lawyer cousin to visit. THANKS kid. BTW by the way. Oh yeah she tried to contact me to just threaten me obviously she was told wrong about me. The talk was stagnant she said, "It was complicated". 6 years ago. The calls came and no answer finally I had a cell phone with caller ID I called her she mostly silent and said ITS complicated when I asked about her step dad and my show KING. Mom said its was possible there was a plot to kill me. From my Aunt who had so much emotion when I was born. Now I heard things as they went to the Golden Globe together and this Aunt is who Leah copies a personality on her talk show for now VERY strange and from the only meeting with the Two Aunts the copied one is very bothered though they love Leah. Banished me from Family and Love. At least my Mother asked. TALK TO GEORGE. Then the Usual ITS BEST YOU DON"T KNOW for her weird reasons but understandable. Dad the quintisential screw up "ITS MY BUSINESS" lately "Your crazy" etc. and to extreme callousness lashing out. AT first in 1994 "Dont talk to that guy" meaning George Marshall at this casual spot I vomited all the treasures to him poolside WHERE it was mentioned thank God by the lead actor of King in tv promotions!!! It was too late back then I went ahead taking this chance I separated myself from the pack. George called me Pandoras box....Now don't you not be told when the TALENT (the actors) promoed the shows they echoed the truth George must have caved about the girl by the pool in Florida. Other times too. Very vital info of a gangsters name in the script and its birth. Was mentioned by a friend from Brooklyn in the promo OF MY ONLY pulp fiction series HBO bought. Glad he was casted for that role. I told George of a few actors its amazing how he searched them out. Famous or not. Extremely hostile and billigerent are my folks now they live 2miles from me. I've been conditioned to live dispariingly....To accept. Deal for Dad to look after Mom forever. THE DEAL leaving me some wiggle room I did not use I had not one child of my own. By choice and a poor one. By no opportunity. By living in a tunnel existence. Not in a writers circle with 2 half brothers and one half sister. At least. I really left Brooklyn, New York out of gettng mugged and frightened by an brain injured jerk and a punk from the night clubs. Famous for bullying grabbing women off the street for a "ride identification" NO BIGGIE" I was living there rent free until then in 1982. I was horrified. My main dream that was to never ever leave there, it was perished. THE COEN BROS. are not CREDIBLE the Farley Brothers sure, okay. GET YOUR MONEY BACK ON COEN BROS CD's. NOW! YOU now know WRITE THAT, TO THEM you know the woman in Florida who by proxy to spite the nose off her face Invented THE big Labowsky . Why? To get rid of the whispers of her half sisters small rise to Dads bragging wacked out of disproportionate struggle to separate us. To make himself grand in his kooky army jacket all the time. In levels of drugs and sick ugly people here in Tampa THAT bully the shit out of me. Trespassing and hurting my pets. Which I told Leah about in our phone call she made to me. Mostly she hung up when she dialed me. Our Father Vinny was already giving comedy away MINE I offered... to her step dad George 1982. AND yes Mom dated that younger mugger idot on one of Mom/Dad break up times. Others too like Dad a cheater. Here in Florida ahhh breathe, simple jobs no car 82 to 87. Then since 87 always had the free car! I DID WHAT DAD ASKED I WORKED NURSING AID. Nuts I hated it but people loved and needed me. A florida "out." MEANWHILE I thought I gave these four to DAD my DAD my big sell out the rug from under me... Just out of lazyness and balls.. I gave DAD Raising Arizona then Third Rock from the Sun then Golden Girls or before that Northern Exposure... TRUTH and oh his astrotheme astrology write ups is that a theif and mercinary greedy scoundral. True Mom she will admit to her overly dramatic revengeful and spiteful One of DADS accusations how ungrateful I was to want a writing career. To use OUR CONNECTION he denied to hollering me like a banshee. In the name of God too! As I disobeyed God's fourth commandment supposedly. I still went with his bellowing accusing to the extent that "You hate God he said, THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT you break so much! YOU hate parents, hate God!" Nuts, I know, ABUSE with religion Among other abuses but light...He is just an ItalianAmer, good entrepenuer. Former soldier Done not much else in 35yrs. YET HE MOLDED my existence... by abuse and conditioning.. Go to to learn about subservient Italian decended woman. Of interest I always hustled fair up standing work in banquet jobs meeting all the Tampa Trash you can find working that temp life. Nice golf resorts though. Then Day Care big thing in Tampa. Nurse Aid 5yrs and Retail did great 5yrs. Now sub teach 5 yrs. To pay rent. I got that fixed now. Am about to preach cause in New York broke me the place that judges you. Yet I help make so many people wealthy. No hard feelings I will live longer because of the following. Learned alot worked way into morning shifts nursing 1989/90. Add another 5yrs for family care of Grandma98/03. THAT is where more family secrets come to be found All in my Book!!! A painful write like therapy. Tried vitamins okay but nothing like cardio jumpjacks running. Got rid of migranes by cutting out non-organic meat/cheese for 7 yrs. and caffine of course and WITHOUT a doctors consent "Combining" timing food consumption properly That means how to have the correct high ball with what food YEAH! LOL When I came to Fla in 82 learned about timing of drinking of your fluids to cool off or engerize. Without bloating. NOW if you do this YOU MIGHT NEVER HAVE KIDS I did not, check with a doctor. So grain of salt. I survived I was older starting this like 34. No caffine. Decaff perked. Florida did all this healthy way for me. Not NY a whole lot of healthy I was always a good kid loved children never got an even break I was told how extrememly gentle I was with kids in New York and Tampa by employers of daycares. Got the load of garbage from the mom/dad that I am a pistol instead. Nothing from dad with his first Oh you don't have to come and visit Aunt Rosie anymore. Hmmm? or take all my girlfriends aside he and mom and whisper how I can't take life Hmmmm? They were told about Leah. About her childhood blurps of I am gonna be a star. Folks as a kid Dad had me saying that also about myself. Thanks April for that memory from the lower east side of NewYork I am a giver. SEE? Just can, while I pine away the hours. As a younger nut I would say "JUST BIDING MY TIME." That was in New York! Hmm sounds southern thats me! Not regional at all, people can't tell my origin. I am well spoken sturdy of body and mind, I did travel a bit w/family or boyfriend. Though most of the traveling is in my imagination. You all should try getting one. But hang on. This is not a fillm noir peice its real life. So sit tight knowing me is a ride to adventure. Pardon the immodesty. Have rode through Ill. Calif, the east-coast.from here in Fla. plopped here in 28yrs ago hesitantly. Escaped NYC not far enough. I emblemed myself to it. Unknown, missing a chunk of my heart, there. I am empowered in the present. <3.

May 2011
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