
Don R.

10 I wake up at the crack of dusk everyday and sit down at my computer and surf the web and play games. I do this until I need to eat or do some other mundane task. I continue until I can't keep my eyes open any longer and then I sleep...badly. Nightmares aren't fun anymore. 20 GOTO 10 I built the pyramids. I personally dug the Mississippi river. I wrote the Bible and I invented the slinky (the slinky one isn't true). I am a PC repairman, fixer-upper, builder, trasher. I have had two of my Frankenstein machines catch fire and still work perfectly after replacing the power supplies. I can walk on my hands but it tends to hurt as I leave footprints on my fingers. I don't like trees. They don't like me, either. Bigfoot is my uncle.

Mar 2010
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