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Animals March Madness, Round One: Chameleons Vs. Red Pandas

Round one continues with our first (and only) cold-blooded contender. See the full bracket here.

Exhibit A: Red Pandas look like this.

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It's basically a raccoon mashed together with a panda and a Pokemon into a highly deadly dose of adorableness. LOOK AT THEM. They're so fluffy, I'm gonna die. -Donna Dickens

Exhibit A: Chameleons looks like this:

Exhibit B: Red Pandas make excellent mothers.

Exhibit B: Chameleons are basically the James Bond of the animal world

Exhibit C: Red Pandas love to play in the snow for the Internet.

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Look how cute they are frolicking the day away! Red Pandas share the rainy forest habitats of their Giant Panda cousins but also can be found in the snowy mountains of Nepal and northern Myanmar (Burma).

Exhibit C: Chameleons have super powers

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They can change their colors! Have fun staying red you stupid red pandas!

Exhibit D: Red Pandas have superpowers too. Attack hugs!

Exhibit D: Chameleons are great with their tongues. This makes them excellent kissers.

Can red pandas do this? NO!

Exhibit E: Red Pandas need your help!

Exhibit E: Chameleons take care of themselves, they have excellent hygiene.

Red Pandas, not so much.

Exhibit F: Red Pandas don't have time to for hygiene when there is NINJA training to be done.

Look at those sick moves. He's coming to attack hug you.

Exhibit F: Never forget, Johnny Depp played a chameleon!

Remember "Rango"?

Exhibit G: Red Pandas haven't starred in any major motion pictures, but they are great actors.

Exhibit G: Liz from "The Magic School Bus."

In conclusion: Choose the soft, pettable Red Panda because don't you want to just love it forever?

You wouldn't want to make the Red Pandas sad, would you?

Or angry.

In conclusion: Open your arms and your heart because chameleons are the best.

Do the right thing!

Fight for the little guys...

They need YOU!