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    The "Perfect" Body

    Stop the hate!

    I've recently gotten really interested in fitness lately, but I hate going to the gym. So as any homebody would do, I went on YouTube and looked up fitness videos. I started out looking for yoga training, but as I got further I kept seeing these videos called Blogilates. When I clicked on the link, it took me to a video with a very peppy woman named Cassey who was always smiling and happy to be doing pilates. Every time I turned on one of these videos, Cassey would kill me and I'd feel accomplished at my workout, even if I wanted to puke or cry.

    I have been watching her videos and exercising along with her since January and I feel I really connected with her. When I was bored I would watch some of her videos where she talked about her past, when she was in college, striving to be a fitness instructor and fashion designer, even when it was against her parents' wishes. Her struggles inspired me to work through whatever hardship I was (and still am) going through.

    Lately though, Cassey has been getting a lot of unfortunate and uncalled-for feedback about her body. Her book was just published and with it came a barrage of messages about a dislike of her body (although she looks incredible!). So she went to YouTube, where most of her fans are, and spoke about how hurtful it was to be receiving messages of hate toward her body. Then she received even MORE hate. And she made this:

    View this video on YouTube

    The video actually hurt me. Cassey has been a part of my life for such a short time, but being picked on for body image is never okay. I love that she's calling others out on their insensitivity and hatred. The video gets its point across by showing how different she would look if she were to change all the things that others said she should work on. By the time she's done adjusting, she doesn't even look like herself anymore, and she certainly doesn't look healthy.

    So, why make a video like this? It points out how hateful comments can tear a person down. It can strip their identity away and make them feel obsolete. And no one deserves to feel that way. Instead, we should build people up and make them feel special. Especially in fitness, results come with positive motivation rather than negative comments.

    What do you think? Do you think this video is effective? Would you change anything about yourself? Leave a comment below and let me know! Let's start a conversation about body positivity!

    Check out Cassey's website here:

    And here is Cassey's YouTube channel: