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    How Much Do You REALLY Know About Eating Disorders?

    We’ve all seen the pictures of celebrities with their ribs sticking out and the headlines claiming them to have eating disorders, but other than ‘starving yourself to be skinny’, what do you know about Eating Disorders?

    A lot of people think that Eating Disorders (ED) are just diets gone wrong in a world where the media is constantly telling everyone to lose weight, but science is proving that it's actually more than just an obsession-it's a neuro-biologically driven disease that has to do with brain chemistry and psychology.

    It's more than will power.

    So what is an Eating Disorder?

    Of course there’s Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa, but there’s also….

    Disclaimer: Yeah, it seems like we have all Binge Eating Disorder sometimes, but those with the disease literally (in the correct sense) CANNOT control themselves- as in eating when they seriously don't even want to.

    You can find information on all the eating disorders here:

    Who has these disorders?

    So what?

    So why do people choose to have an ED if it hurts their bodies so much?

    It's not a joke...

    It's most likely due to the common eating disorder stereotypes and myths prevalent in our society.

    Misconceptions like:

    “Eating disorders are a lifestyle choice that stupid girls make because they’re too vain.”

    “Dieting is totally normal and way better than being fat. She’s just being healthy!”

    “Eating disorders are just a phase. They just want attention.”

    “Eating disorders are caused by families and the media. We just all need to learn how to love ourselves.”

    “Eating disorders are a white, rich girl thing.”

    Obviously, there’s more to it than we know.

    Which is why Eating Disorders should not be messed around with. For more information, check out this link or do some research of your own!