22 Things That Happen When You're The Only Sister Among Older Brothers

    There's more to it than just getting special treatment from your parents.

    1. Growing up, your brothers sometimes treated you just like "one of the boys."

    2. They tease any guy you're remotely interested in or dating.

    3. You ask them for advice about guys because you know they'll be completely honest with you.

    4. On the flip side, your brothers come to you if they ever have any relationship questions.

    5. They get personally offended and turn into your dad if you show any kind of skin when you go out.

    6. Whenever you go out with them to a bar or club, they stave off all the creeps for you.

    7. But when you actually hit it off with a cutie, you're sure to keep everything PG just in case they're on the lookout.

    8. You always feel weird when your girlfriends say they're hot.

    9. 'Til this day, they do everything in their power to try to annoy you.

    10. They put you on to really good music when you were young, which automatically gave you extra cool points with your peers.

    11. You've adopted some of their "masculine" tendencies.

    12. On numerous occasions, people have straight up asked if you're a couple.

    13. Or, even worse, someone has insisted that you're a cute couple.

    14. They ask you for fashion advice and a lot of the times won't buy something if you say it doesn't look good.

    15. When you were younger, you often wished that you had a sister so you could talk about "girl stuff."

    16. When you were kids, they would hate on you because you usually got asked to do the least strenuous chores.

    17. You had crushes on MANY of your brothers' friends.

    18. You still get special treatment from your parents because you're the only girl.

    19. They are always 100% honest with you when it comes to your personality traits.

    20. If you're fighting with your girlfriends, their usually the first ones to tell you how idiotic you're being.

    21. You have pretty thick skin now because of how much they made fun of you growing up.

    22. Sometimes, you get super annoyed with how overprotective they can be...

    ... but you know that they do it out of love, and you wouldn't have it any other way.