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    10 Ways "Chicken Soup For The Soul" Went Too Far

    "Chicken Soup for the Soul" started out as some book only to travel by word-of-mouth, but then turned into a tornado of strange labels and games. How does chicken soup relate to a dentist? Nobody has warm soup tummy feelings when going to the dentist, right?

    Over 200 general life topics that somehow all relate to chicken soup.

    Like that time when they tried to relate American Idol feelings to a hot bowl of soup.

    Or that time they even knew dentists were lovers of chicken soup.

    But then this is where things got carried away: an entire line of "Chicken Soup for the Soul".

    Then came along their book trailers.

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    So they couldn't forget to feed their dogs chicken soup too.

    And sweet, sweet piano music before board games every night.

    We told you we would get to that warm, chicken soup-like board game tonight.

    And in case you decide to take a road trip tomorrow and need some entertainment in the car, "Chicken Soup for the Soul" has thought of everything for you.

    But on the occasion things just don't make sense all of a sudden, "Chicken Soup for the Soul" knows the answers to our life mysteries.