

im 56 and have no idea why i cant stay in a relationship ! . so im not looking for any one but friends .I am raising my 9 year old granddaughter and have an 18 yr old some times life can be rough but we are a family and we work it out . im diferently abled but im still abled . i love makeing jewlery and other beaded things im very crafty and artistic . i love music and the outdoors . though i dont get around the same way others do . i have a wheel chair that gets me most of the places i need or want to be . although id love to have a way to transport the thing some places that are faurther away . like the beach or the park or the store for that matter but we make due . i love to be surrounded by people who are real and who accept me who i really am not the metal that surrounds me . so if you can get with that then come on and join the fun or the sadness that some times touches everyones life . and we will start what could turn into a real life friendship !

Mar 2011
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