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This Guy Was Sent A Dick Pic From A Wrong Number And The Secondhand Cringe Is Real

Stop sending dick pics 2k18.

Gather round my sweets, because the story I'm about to tell you has everything: wrong numbers, an unsolicited dick pic, texting role play, and even a man with a mustache.

On Wednesday, Reddit user Th3GreenMan56, also known to non-internet friends as Ryan, posted screenshots of a text conversation he had with a guy named Brandon who clearly had the wrong number.

"Getting unknown numbers is actually pretty common for me due to the fact that my phone number has six of the same number," Ryan told BuzzFeed. After the first, "you have the wrong number" text Brandon should have realized his mistake, but did he? Oh no, Brandon doubled down.

Then, in a move out of left field, Brandon went for a Hail Mary and sent Ryan a freaking dick pic! And, well, the rest of the conversation played out kind of how you'd expect.

"As a straight male that was my first unsolicited dick pic," Ryan said. "I now know the pain women go through on a daily basis."

The post quickly went viral on Reddit, and many users had the same question, WHAT'S UP WITH THE ROLE PLAYING?

Although the whole texting conversation was a lot to process, Ryan came out on the other side with some solid advice to offer. "If somebody tells you that you have the wrong number, don’t send nude photos to their phone."

You heard it here first folks. If your two options in life are send a dick pic to a stranger or not to send a dick pic, for the love of all things holy, go with the latter.