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    17 Signs You're A High School Senior

    Just a few more weeks of senioritis...

    1. Every morning, you remind yourself that you will NEVER take a 7:30am class EVER again.

    2. You can't believe that your friends in college are already coming home.

    3. You spend a good deal of your free time stalking every Facebook group related to your future college.

    4. And you have this free time because you're SO over homework

    5. (Until your teacher guilts you about that assignment you never handed in)

    6. You proudly rock your college apparel on a regular basis (while the apparel you bought from every other school sits in your drawer).

    7. You have a countdown to graduation.

    8. And you're really excited about it, except for when you remember that you'll have to say goodbye to all of your friends.

    9. The thought of taking finals thoroughly disgusts you.

    10. You can't wait for "Senior Skip Day" (even though the entire school administration knows about it).

    11. You've made sure your graduation outfit is planned so that you don't pull a Lizzie.

    12. Your AP classrooms have turned into temporary movie theaters.

    13. You can't wait to leave home. But your parents... not so much.

    14. You've embarked on your life-long dream of shopping for dorm stuff.

    15. Study hall has turned into a social hall.

    16. As much as you can't wait to graduate, you know you'll miss high school.

    17. Well, maybe.