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I'm Black, But I'm Not...

“I’m black, but I’m not concerned with being your definition of blackness.”

For some people, being black means assumptions will be made about their identity.

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Those assumptions don't speak to the character or truth of the person.

It can be baffling to feel put in a certain light by stereotypes -- when in reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

And as a result of that inaccurate portrayal, some want to shout from the rooftops that they are not that negative stereotype.

Sometimes, a widespread assumption can be so far from the person's actual identity that it's laughable.

What does it even mean to be "pretty for a black girl??"

Certain words and phrases can make a person feel both objectified and disrespected.

And broad generalizations ignore the complexity and uniqueness of every person.

Stereotypes put people into all-or-nothing categories, when the truth is usually more beautiful and mixed-up (just like, you know, individuals).

Stereotypes make some people feel conflicted about their identity, but it's powerful to be proud of who you are.

Because everyone is worthy of love.

And sometimes? Busting stereotypes can be super fun.