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    Jon Snow Hates Saudi Arabia, Loves Iran And Believes All Men Are Sex-Obsessed

    No not that Jon Snow. The other one.

    The Channel 4 News presenter described Saudi Arabia as ‘the most odious regime in the world’, while also revealing to the Evening Standard he had an affair with a librarian at his sixth-form college.

    To prove how much of a man he really is, the 66-year-old thought he'd tell the world how men apparently think about sex every time they meet a woman.

    'Sex comes into every evaluation of a woman, there's no doubt about it. It's there. Once you've established a friendship or a working relationship with a woman, it's parked. But it's an interesting barrier. When you've gone through it and arrived at the other side, it's never a problem again. Well I'm not saying it is a problem at all, it's rather a delicious thing really, "what might have been?" or "what could be". It's a natural animal element of sustaining life.'

    Being a man is ‘all about women’, Snow reckons.

    'We are defined by women: they give birth to us and then they define us, although lots try to ignore it.'

    The presenter then revealed he wasn't a fan of boarding school, describing his own experience at St Edward's in Oxford as 'dreadful' and full of 'bullying, rugby-playing, exploitative sex'.

    He was happy to talk about the fun he had at sixth-form college though, revealing, for no apparent reason, that he had an affair with a librarian twice his age.

    'I was warned off by my lecturer, who told me I was very unwise to be seen going off in the lunch hour in the librarian's car.'

    But enough of Jon Snow’s School Days, what he really wants you to know is how great Iran is...

    I'm so excited about what is happening there now. If you're in Tehran, a mullah does not get up the bloody minaret at four o'clock in the morning, in fact you're bloody lucky if he gets out of bed and pushes the button on the tape machine and plays it at 8 o'clock. It is so different and so mellow.

    It's an incredible place! The third biggest film industry in the world — an Oscar last year. Art to die for, modern art. Poetry! Even Ahmadinejad — and he was a complete arsehole — insisted on being interviewed in the shrine of the greatest poet in Shiraz.

    Apparenlty the same can't be said about Saudi Arabia...

    We have shut the door on a great, great power, and instead we've messed about with people who came out of tents 50 years ago in Saudi Arabia — the most odious regime in the world — and who are a real and general and persistent threat to us.

    Iran is not a threat and never will be. In these next few months Iran will flower and it will be sensational.

    The Being a Man festival runs from Friday to Sunday at the Southbank Centre.