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    5 Things To Never Say To Someone Dealing With Infertility

    If you have a friend or family member dealing with fertility issues, here’s a handy list of things you should never, ever say to them.

    When people see their friends struggling with infertility or going through IVF procedures, it's natural for them to want to offer a few comforting words. But, they often do more harm than good. So, before you reach out, here are some phrases to avoid:

    “You guys just need to relax.”

    “You guys just need to go on a vacation.”

    “You guys need to get drunk and screw.”

    “My sister had trouble getting pregnant, now she has two beautiful kids.”

    “Have you thought about adopting?”

    How can you help? Be there if we need you, listen if we need to talk, and understand that you can't fix this issue. Thanks.

    (Portions of this originally appeared on Author David Vienna and his wife struggled with infertility for nearly a decade.)