Watch This Farmer Make A Huge Pi Out Of Cows In Honor Of Pi Day

    Even the cows know it's 3-14-15!

    Farmer Derek Klingenberg is a bit of a mooooover and shaker in cow circles, known across the internet for serenading his happy cows with his trombone.

    Well, Farmer Derek is also a math fan and he's clearly as pumped as the rest of us that Saturday is an extra special Pi Day, given it'll be 3-14-15.

    How to celebrate? A Cow Pi! A truly spectacular Cow Pi, so wondrous that it captures the glory not just of Pi Day but of America itself.

    "O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain..."

    "For purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain!"

    "Cow Pi! Cow Pi! God shed his grace on thee..."

    "And cow thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!"

    Bask in the glory that is Cow Pi here:

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