21 Reasons Why Animals Are The Bigggest Jerks On The Planet

    The "D" in "d-bag" actually stands for dog.

    1. Because they're always doing stuff like this:

    2. And they're always ruining your time at the zoo:

    3. They think your head is a perfect fit for their butts:

    4. And if they can't have a seat, they think NOBODY CAN:

    5. They have no respect for their fellow seals:

    6. And they're always trying to get other animals in fights:

    7. They think they're soooooo scary:

    8. And they act like they own all your shampoo products:

    9. They constantly steal:

    10. And they're always leaving the fridge door open:

    11. They cheat at staring contests:

    12. Their favorite past-time is knocking people over:

    Like, nothing puts a smile on an animal's face faster than knocking down a person:


    13. Actually, their favorite past-time might be knocking things down on people:

    14. Or just hitting people in the crotch with shovels:

    15. They hate fun:

    16. They'll trap you inside a box:

    17. They're super stingy with money:

    18. They're chauvinist pigs:

    19. They never want to kiss:

    20. I mean, if you even TRY to kiss them they'll pull out the karate moves:

    21. FINALLY, they're always so cute that you can never get any work done. Ever: