32 Pictures That Perfectly Sum Up Your Elementary School Experience

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    1. Creating a natural disaster:

    2. This splinter-filled fun-land:

    3. And running across this bridge:

    4. Being blinded by these:

    5. THE LEGEND:

    6. Becoming a master:

    7. "HEADS UP":

    8. Losing the top to these and losing the will to live:

    9. Milky pens:

    10. 80087355:

    11. That one kid that always did this:

    12. Finding out your future:


    14. Becoming a master painter:

    15. The choices... THE CHOICES:

    16. Declaring war:

    17. "Bubblegum, bubblegum, in a dish..."

    18. A cup of that cream:

    19. These sharpeners that NEVER worked:

    20. Getting a red:

    21. The best day of the year:

    22. And the second best day... and the day that destroyed your fingers:

    23. Shootin' up lead:

    24. Becoming a boxtop millionaire:

    25. Chalk claws:

    26. The vessel for your valuables:

    27. Your masterpiece:

    28. The innerworkings of the sharpener:

    29. Stampin' markers:

    30. Old school libraries:

    31. The future of computing:

    32. And ending the day right here: